In a sales situation, for example, historic data for the computer to work on is either entered manually or downloaded from an outside electronic source.
New information may be collected through one or more of the various collection disciplines; human source, electronic and communications intercept, imagery or open sources.
Other information is obtained from electronic sources like intercepted calls or Internet communications.
His recordings are typically realised using a combination of electronic sound sources, live instrumental playing and digital signal processing.
Using electronic sources, she said, lawyers, for instance, can easily obtain lists of articles published by opposing expert witnesses.
Hurt is a composer, who experiments with sound effects and various electronic sources in his secluded Devon studio.
All electronic sources mentioned in this article were retrieved in the spring of 2010.
Sometimes, output from an electronic source affects future input.
The room provides access to electronic sources of financial and investment data, analytical tools, and trading simulations.
New Yorkers are so busy plugging into electronic sources that they have forgotten how to make music for themselves.