Working under the name Dewanatron, they began making electronic synthesizers in 2002, for their own use.
Finally, a voice that had been altered with an electronic synthesizer.
As a judge listened, the 43-year-old composer played two of his works on an electronic synthesizer.
The album features somewhat heavier use of electronic synthesizers.
North's prize instrument was the ondioline, similar to an earlier version of the electronic synthesizer, which had never been used in film before.
The music was created using electronic synthesizers to simulate an entire orchestra and organ.
"Attention, Libyan soldiers," he said through his electronic synthesizer and translation system.
The use of electronic synthesizers and guitars has also made its way into the church.
The instrument was a predecessor to the modern electronic synthesizer.
It was there that he was first exposed to electronic synthesizers and recording equipment at around age 10.