The Tundra's advantage is its electronic throttle, which applies power so smoothly that you need not spin the rear wheels, even with the powerful V8.
This number increased by more than 400% to a total of 132 annually in 2002-2004 models, which were designed with new electronic throttles.
They were trying - it dealt with an adjustable gas pedal and an electronic throttle.
The electronic throttle has been invented and patented.
For a start, it is the only tractor on the market with an electronic push-button throttle.
The Same's electronic throttle, here partly obscured by sprayer black box at top, replaces familiar hand lever.
There were reductions in engine noise, fitment of an electronic throttle, and several interior upgrades.
The power controller, which regulates the flow of energy between the battery and the electric motor(s), controlled by an electronic throttle.
Further, the new electronic throttle has a flabby, disconnected feel that can sometimes result in lurchy starts.
When you put foot to pedal in the 750, you activate a "fly by wire" electronic throttle, a first.