In the 1920s electronic transmitters, based on vacuum tubes, began to be used.
The electronic transmitter was found in a wall socket during a safety inspection at Malham village hall.
Though the information was suppressed at the time, Bossard was the first spy caught with the use of an electronic transmitter.
During his entire discussion with the volatile Titan, Iblis had kept his hand inside a pocket that held a crude electronic transmitter.
Somehow, out of the old-world technology, they had found a way, possibly through electronic transmitters, to get instant and absolute obedience.
New York City jail guards strapped electronic transmitters on the left ankles of two inmates and then opened the gates for them.
Skiing adventurers have taken to heli-skiing which involves learning to operate an electronic transmitter in case of avalanches.
The other interference often experienced is between the aircraft's own electronic transmitters, i.e. transponders, being picked up by own radar.
In modern times, telecommunication typically involves the use of electronic transmitters such as the telephone, television, radio or computer.
For her, technology is much more than machines, gadgets or electronic transmitters.