Each swipe through an electronic turnstile deducts $1.25 from the card, which, when used up, can be reprogrammed to add new value.
The stations' electronic turnstiles were reprogrammed so that anyone with a Metrocard could make the transfer without being charged an additional fare.
Instead of using of the electronic turnstiles, many London subway passengers tried to give their fares to transit employees as they had for decades.
They have some of the features that the Transit Authority would like to incorporate in its new electronic turnstiles.
The system would allow passengers to pass through electronic turnstiles using a prepaid fare card.
The sentry checked its authenticity then activated the electronic turnstile.
Each time a rider uses the card at an electronic turnstile, $1.50 is automatically deducted.
But the electronic turnstiles, which cost $675 million, are not expected to go into operation until late in the decade.
It has committed $700 million to installing electronic turnstiles in all train stations and buses by 1997.
Modern electronic turnstiles and fare vending machines have also been installed.