Employees collecting the mail will carry an electronic wand.
By using a kind of electronic wand, they will be able to write or doodle on a screen and have that reproduced.
In some countries, boarding passengers are frisked with electronic wands or by security officers.
Jack watched as the camera crew got the full treatment- bags opened, equipment X-rayed, bodies searched with the handheld electronic wand.
And someone else had turned off his electronic wand.
This, too, is accomplished with a touch of Mr. Drain's electronic wand.
Visitors, both media and nonmedia, were patted down and individually searched with electronic wands.
Fans selected at random will have electronic wands passed over them, and all backpacks will be searched.
The $49.99 PRM-1, containing only buttons for power, channel and volume, is a pen-shaped electronic wand.
After passing through the gate, he said he was nonetheless taken aside for an additional bag check and body search with an electronic wand.