The rooms are filled with large air pumps that send the fountain's water surging in the air and huge cabinets filled with electronic wiring and relays.
Officials would say only that the move would involve 300 employees, save money and offer a host of technological advantages, from under-the-floor space for electronic wiring to uninterrupted power supplies.
For fishing lines, Giordino disassembled electronic wiring and connected it to the hooks and lures.
The work evokes the rapid flow of information by means of a 17-foot-high pyramid with 56 television monitors displaying multiple images on a framework of electronic wiring and computer boards.
At this time new courses were introduced and these included shorthand and typing followed by course in electronic wiring and assembly, and industrial electronics.
What if one of the reasons the army could find no electronic wiring on the craft were the layers of these wafers that ran throughout the ship?
It crammed his "brain" with electronic wiring and 18 tiny motors that permit a full range of facial expressions.
It also required a bit of time, a lot of electronic wiring and equipment.
She held up what appeared to be a long jointed tube made of metal wires and strips, plus some electronic wiring.
The real television," he said, "is about the electronic wiring of your eye.