As of last Friday, a counter on the site said that more than 42,000 people had electronically signed.
DocuSign Professional emails all recipients of an electronically signed document requesting that they review each document after an upload is completed.
Confirmations are in the form of database records, electronically signed with the private key of the sender.
One important benefit from PAdES is that electronically signed documents can remain valid for long periods, even if underlying cryptographic algorithms are broken.
So the service is exploring how returns can be signed electronically.
Documents carrying the Electronic Postmark must also be signed electronically, using what is called a digital certificate, an electronic representation of the user's identity.
Signing Your Taxes Electronically filed returns must be signed electronically.
However, most practices elect to have these types of forms electronically signed using either a signature pad or pen tablet.
However, we would like to ask the Ombudsman a very specific question regarding the fact that it is still not possible for complaints to be signed electronically.
The newest version of Adobe Acrobat creates PDF files that can be signed electronically with a password-protected likeness of an individual's signature.