But in the late 1960's he was less interested in elegant abstraction than in raw material and rudimentary forms of order and disorder.
These large, elegant abstractions are pleasing, maybe a little too pleasing, to behold.
At first it's hard to view Mr. Uslé's elegant new abstractions, eccentrically gridded canvases of black and gray touched with color, as landscape related.
Mr. Warren, a commercial photographer, also in his 30's, zeroes in on the backs of wrought-iron garden chairs to create an elegant abstraction of bold swirls.
Muehling often bases his designs on the elegant abstraction of nature, but here, he says, he has had time to observe nature close-up.
Mr. Marden's elegant abstractions mix grids, rectangles and gestural drawing.
Hints of Torres-Garcia's compartmentalized divisions of space were visible in the elegant abstractions of the younger Fonseca.
With Canaletto, a gift for elegant abstraction takes care of pretty much everything.
Despite a highly polished performance by Joe Morton as Mr. Zero, this production registers as an elegant but often frozen abstraction.
He turned from the elegant abstractions of his mentor, Kasimir Malevich, to a more realistic tool, photomontage.