Welcome to Love of Life" over a shot of the fountain outside New York's Plaza Hotel with the show's title appearing diagonally across the screen in elegant sweeping calligraphy.
One notable feature of the edition is that it includes material which the obituary of Warburton in The Musical Times described as "drawn in Warburton's own elegant calligraphy."
The Tangut characters are written in an elegant calligraphy in standard (non-cursive) character forms.
One such example is a beautiful Dior dress in white silk animated by elegant Chinese calligraphy; another is a Gaultier robe in nearly transparent white silk printed with small Japanese characters.
Moon Yang Ok proudly showed her sister a handsome watch with "Kim Il Sung" written in elegant red calligraphy across its light silver face.
"Dear Sir," he said, and the Salamander danced above the vellum, burning the characters into it, in elegant calligraphy.
The Latin names in bold Roman type, and the Dutch names in elegant Gothic calligraphy.
She glanced at the elegant calligraphy above the glossy black door.
High on the walls are patterned Oriental carpets in deep, rich crimson and blue, with gold-painted tulip motifs, and examples of elegant calligraphy in small frames.
Every vocal inflection and gesture is writ large (watch how she keeps extending her arms as if to embrace an entire adoring throng) but also with precise, elegant calligraphy.