He holds it all together with the most elegant diction.
Her voice was low and her diction elegant, which made what she was saying all the more unnerving.
His commentary was described by sports journalist Martin Flanagan as "slightly ornate" but with "sincerity [that] compelled attention", and delivered with "elegant diction".
Just as things are about explode, the spastic, inarticulate Mickey interrupts to begin talking in a strange, elegant diction.
Moments in Act I when the voice sagged with wear were mostly redeemed by Mr. Kraus's elegant diction and dramatic intelligence.
But Lady Rezalla would not have considered it in any way a compliment, nor were her mother's highbred tones and elegant diction suitable for any AI on this ship.
Interpreting Porter, she reveals him as a connoisseur of desire, one who flaunted his elegant diction and virtuosic rhyming as erotic brio.
But now, that pleasant, cultured voice, the elegant diction of a Parisian!
While his elegant diction suggested a certain snobbery, his lyrics often gently mocked the airs and pretensions of the international set.
Mencius contributed elegant diction and, like Zhuang Zi, relied on comparisons, anecdotes, and allegories.