The house, in contrast to its elegant exterior, still smacked of being overdone to Riker, even after all this time.
The hypocritical contrast between this elegant exterior and the sordid inner man is presented in a pedestrian and predictable manner.
Maybe all it means is that Candice Bergen's internal struggle isn't done and that beneath the elegant comedic exterior still lurks the journalist manque.
In Stary Smokovec, the Grand Hotel has an elegant exterior, but the public areas and the rooms I saw, though adequate, had no particular charm.
Soon every first class watch in China with a high practical value and elegant exterior was simply called "Bovet" (pronounced "Boway" or read backwards "Tevob").
A 2003 expansion feels a little too modern when juxtaposed with the Lyric's elegant early-20th-century exterior, but it's shiny, we .
Flavia made a sound of disgust, totally out of character to her elegant exterior.
Often private clubs have elegant exteriors but are drab within.
And some condos in the area may present elegant exteriors but not live up to them in workmanship.
The restaurant's elegant fortress-like exterior and valet parking hint at candlelight, fresh flowers and suave waiters speaking in hushed tones.