A rack holds elegant garments made of paper, each one a reproduction of clothes in the society's collection, all bearing labels indicating the period when they were worn, and for what occasion.
On its circuitous journey uptown, sablefish, the stuff of Jewish delis, has assumed a fashionable new name and been cloaked in elegant new garments.
Cru's elegant garments fluttered as he fell.
How lovely the old hall looked, decked out like this, the beautiful dresses of the women, the elegant garments of the men a blaze of colour and lights and beauty!
A more elegant garment is an embroidered waistcoat belonging to Jeremiah Wadsworth.
Then he rode into the city, where he stopped by a clothier's shop and bought himself some moderately elegant garments to disguise his rustic origins.
Chapter Nineteen Helen was garbed in much poorer clothing than the elegant garments in which she had departed our Pisan cottage.
They took great care with their appearance, and their closets are full of hand-tailored, elegant garments that I hoped would now be worn by people struggling to make a fresh start in life in this country, in Africa or somewhere else.
It wasn't a bathrobe, it was a comfortable but elegant garment to wear in the house instead of a sweatsuit.
The Spanish reported that the Sandia people wore elegant garments adorned with turquoise.