An elegant installation in dove gray, white and black, the exhibition included a large map of project sites.
In a simple, elegant installation a Senegalese artist, Soly Cisse, drapes mosquito netting, weighed down by pillows, from a wall.
This welcome development is especially apparent in "Lovers," Mr. Furuhashi's elegant installation and one of the show's real standouts.
(Cotter) GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM: 'ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE AND THE CLASSICAL TRADITION: PHOTOGRAPHS AND MANNERIST PRINTS' This exhibition juxtaposes obsessively styled, drunkenly body-oriented art from the late 18th and late 20th centuries, achieving a fairly even rate of exchange in an unusually elegant installation.
This exhibition juxtaposes obsessively styled, drunkenly body-oriented art from the late 18th and late 20th centuries, achieving a fairly even rate of exchange in an unusually elegant installation.
The 22 pieces are exhibited for the first time here, in an elegant wrap-around installation.
Exceptional efforts have come from a diverse group that includes Tatsuo Miyajima and Hiroshi Sugimoto (two of the most elegant installations), Richard Serra, Sophie Calle, Tony Cragg, Louise Bourgeois, Ann Hamilton, Mike Kelley and Allan McCollum.
Simple, rhythmic, and elegant, this installation is intimately riveting.
See, for example, Demish Danant's extraordinarily elegant installation of furniture from the late 60's and 70's featuring a low daybed by Maria Pergay that Donald Judd would surely have loved.