As the writer George Sand observed, "A cigar is the perfect complement to the elegant lifestyle."
"Before his legal troubles exploded, Biff led an elegant lifestyle," said a lawyer who represented Mr. Halloran and spoke on the condition that he not be identified.
Historic documents and archeological artifacts found at Belvoir Manor both attest to the elegant lifestyle enjoyed by the Fairfax family.
Meanwhile, his pianoforte business had flourished, affording him an increasingly elegant lifestyle.
She had captured his father by promising an elegant uncluttered lifestyle very different from the neglected unhappy home he had come from.
She was impressed with Watts's art and elegant lifestyle and wished to please her parents by making an advantageous marriage.
The Ascendancy in Dublin enjoyed an elegant lifestyle during this period.
Perhaps a disguised self-critique of her own elegant lifestyle.
Us' wanted a spacious, elegant, aristocratic lifestyle which necessitated the removal from the countryside of all those scurrying crowds, hateful modern buildings and everything else vulgar.
Even a female literary giant of the Victorian era, George Sand, observed "The cigar is a perfect complement to an elegant lifestyle".