The full meaning of the show's most elegant object - a gold jackal, one inch tall - is also unknown.
Those elegant and ingenious objects of use.
Since the 1950's he has been creating elegant and witty objects ranging from typewriters to a luxury yacht interior.
Many of his works involve movement, and he created a series of "elegant objects that flip, flop or fold into many forms".
And Mr. Naggar's round mirror is an elegant, even magical object that is either hand-held or rests on a grooved wood base.
The project began seven years ago, when Dr. Khoshnevis and his engineering students started testing versions of the robot able to make elegant objects out of clay.
"Isn't it an elegant little object?"
Photographs and wall texts help to situate these elegant white objects within their urban surroundings.
That timepiece was the only elegant object in a room boasting strictly utilitarian-and mismatched-furniture and a threadbare imitation-Persian carpet.
Richard Loew makes elegant turned-wood objects when not directing television commercials for Breakstone and International Business Machines.