Diane Alexander, as Micaela, was also notable for her elegant portrait of innocence.
Since the late 1970s he has also become known for his elegant portraits of cultural celebrities and of friends, and for portraitlike images of flowers.
They are elegant portraits, as well, of two different ways of being a man.
An elegant, intelligent portrait of the American labor movement in midcentury and of a dominant contributor to both its rise and its decline.
Pisanello is known for his resplendent frescoes in large murals, elegant portraits, small easel pictures, and many brilliant drawings.
Ross works in a variety of moods-simple, elegant portraits; soft, earth-toned landscapes; and studies of historical work based on old master paintings.
The elegant portraits he made of the campers - using a plastic camera - landed him an assignment with the Magazine.
Condé is well known from the number of engravings he executed from the elegant portraits drawn by Richard Cosway.
He keeps three pictures of her in his living room, the most prominent an elegant portrait from her Vassar days.
He photographed 18 descendants of the British and American aristocrats whose elegant portraits Sargent painted around the turn of the century.