A tall, cool patrician woman with an elegant profile and an old-fashioned upswept hairdo, Graves looks slightly out of place in a factory setting.
The bardling caught a quick glimpse of an elegant profile, silky golden hair: Eliathanis!
Can Ségolène Royal, the politician with the elegant profile and stratospheric poll ratings, lead the Socialists to victory in next year's presidential election?
But both have sweeping, slice-through-the-wind lines and sleekly elegant profiles.
It seemed to serve only one purpose: to give the chair an elegant profile.
He studied her elegant profile.
Miguel Rafaelo didn't turn to look at her, and she continued to study his rather elegant profile while he talked.
Simple, elegant, low profile, no embellishments.
The elegant stately profile of the QE2 filled the outer harbour, her launches plying to and fro like worker ants.
Outstanding in this selection is Mrs. Gerlovin's elegant profile adorned with a serpent.