He spoke with a sneer, pleased with his elegant turn of phrase.
English is such an acquisitive language that it quickly appropriates an elegant or efficient turn of phrase.
Pucky made an elegant turn to his left and disappeared into a wide portal.
She smiled at Thais, who had decided to be Hellene from the modest coil of her hair to the elegant turn of her sandal.
She saw this one's pique, the elegant turn of wrist that held the object - it was a small gold ring - before her.
And this book is full of elegant turns that few fishermen or readers will have encountered before.
Not a very elegant turn of phrase, but in Clark's experience not an unknown state of affairs, either.
Suzanne Beia, the concertmaster, gave elegant turns to her solo passages.
Others walk in elegant, airy melodic turns recalling Pat Metheny compositions.