When the Iraqi forces fired on elements of the 24th Infantry Division, they were clearly committing a hostile act.
They found some elements of the 51st Infantry Division, but had not received any orders to evacuate and refused to do so.
The battalion was relieved in the spring of 2004 by elements of the 1st Infantry Division.
The bridges were relieved later in the day by elements of the British 3rd Infantry Division.
The remaining elements of the 24th Infantry Division were pushed back block-by-block.
On 13 January 1974, the regiment and its three battalions were assigned as an element of the 40th Infantry Division.
Patton declared the fort an easy target, and committed elements of the 5th Infantry Division to the attack.
The area was liberated by elements of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division in September 1944.
It was then was assigned as an organic element of the 71st Infantry Division on 10 October 1954.
In 1977, the regiment was organized into two battalions, elements of the 38th Infantry Division.