Here, theater was stripped down to elemental components, like staged dramas in ancient Greece.
Platelets, one of the three elemental components of blood, are essential for initiating blood clotting.
The inner-shell ionizations are particularly useful for detecting the elemental components of a material.
Good urban planning practice promotes the planning and design of such 'places' as elemental components of the urban structure.
The resulting basic elemental components are a gas.
Terahertz radiation devices can create images of concealed objects as well as identify the elemental components of a hidden item.
Alchemy has the ability to alter the chemical composition of anything he touches into its elemental components.
She cannot create a new life out of the elemental components of the Cosmos.
The dietary focus on chemical elements derives from an interest in supporting the biochemical reactions of metabolism with the required elemental components.
The design of light sources is thus an elemental component of a design aesthetic.