If, on the other hand, Evelyn is deteriorating and misinterpreting fact, she still has good reason for elemental fear.
It remains true to its trashy heart and its smart appeal to elemental fears.
In the 1980's Metallica's songs grappled with death, psychotic violence and elemental fears.
Bikers must rely on intuition - and overcome an elemental fear of the unknown - to get through safely.
His most elemental fear is that people have lost all sense of right and wrong.
McCurdy captures not only the elemental fears but the daily grubbiness of adventure.
The technique isn't all a bag of tricks either, because she taps into some elemental fear that really gives you the willies.
The ads speak to women's elemental fears about menopause.
He suspected the man was fighting a deeper and more elemental fear, having looked into his own memory, and finding there-nothing.
Breaching the barriers between species remains a taboo, producing in humans a powerful, almost elemental fear.