Since that lifetime, Sarah has had the ability of a fire elemental.
After penetrating the tower and its defenses you find the sorcerer, who conjures up a massive fire elemental.
These are considered to be more evil, as they actively chose the dark, evil fire instead of the pure, bright, elemental fire.
It is described as a free-willed, highly intelligent fire elemental.
The hooded warlock bowed in what seemed a perfect imitation of the fire elemental's bow.
The reaction was understandable; change was a fire elemental's chief delight.
Immediately surrounding the atmosphere of the Earth was the sphere of elemental fire.
There was no reason to it, just an elemental fire that could be temporarily banked, but would never go out.
A sandaar is described as a fire elemental, but the exact appearance of one is not described.
There's nothing left to bury - and what kind of a tree do you plant for a fire elemental, anyhow?