Destruction was essential for the complete reduction to elemental parts.
I like to design things that can be made simply but create a dynamic relationship when the elemental parts are put together.
They are made up of one or more elemental parts.
They have struggled with the most elemental part of the game, putting the ball into the back of the net.
The bond between mother and child is an elemental part of the human fabric.
Their scents were subtle, an elemental part of the air.
No, he was responding to something far deeper, some elemental part of her that called to something deep inside him.
That's often the simplest and most elemental part of the job.
But most end up disassembled, sorted, crushed and melted down to their elemental parts.
Envision the possibility that this world is not one, but has been reduced to its elemental parts: earth, air, fire, and water.