Perhaps, also, it was the elemental simplicity of his mind that baffled me.
The point in many such pre-technological games is not the sophistication of the materials, but the elemental simplicity of the objects involved - checkers, cards, chess pieces.
He recalls that the experience of elemental simplicity and reading books opened up the metaphysical universe for him.
Water, fire, darkness, stone-a world of elemental simplicity exerting an elemental force upon me.
Survival stories, in their elemental simplicity, can be deeply appealing to those seeking escape from complicated, densely scheduled lives.
Grant Wood and Wanda Gag seem fascinated by the elemental simplicity of plowed fields, a fitting metaphor for national renewal.
There was an elemental simplicity to the design; a sharp-prowed plywood hull, shallow but exquisitely shaped.
He creates an imaginary place where viewers can experience an authentic, elemental and meaningful simplicity that is hard to find in ordinary life.
Now Walter could get away from the problems of his office, and could lose himself again, if only for a while, in the clear-cut and elemental simplicities of the sea.
The Monster's elemental simplicity has also made it a favorite platform for custom motorcycle builders, showcased at competitions like the Monster Challenge.