Agustin Machado died in 1865, the same year La Ballona School was constructed to serve all elementary-age children within the Ballona School District.
Most elementary-age children are within walking distance of each school.
One notable outreach and education program at NCEAS is Kids Do Ecology, which engages elementary-age children in the science of ecology.
The Katherine Hamm Center is an auditory-verbal education program for infants, toddlers, and elementary-age children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Though New York State law provides for home tutoring for elementary-age children who are not well enough to attend school, there is no such provision for preschoolers.
Mr. Galarza said parents of elementary-age children were given the option to stay in P.S. 380, but Mr. Rosario said he was not.
On Tuesday, she works with elementary-age children in an after-school program in Yonkers on storytelling and public reading.
Volunteers for Summer School Success, however, is open to non-Learning Leader-certified parents of elementary-age children.
Parents can also elect to send their elementary-age children to one of two private schools: the Catholic Sacred Heart School and the Cambria Center for the Gifted Child.
Its undergraduate programs prepare future teachers in early education and elementary education, and its graduate programs further develop students' expertise in the education of elementary-age children.