An elementary-school principal in...
His mother ran a private nursery school and kindergarten, and his father was an elementary-school principal who took a job with Alcoa to earn more money for his family.
Her mother, Anne Dalton Croghan, is an assistant elementary-school principal in Miami.
The regional superintendent in charge of Norman Thomas, Peter Heaney, formerly served as an elementary-school principal in Brooklyn.
An elementary-school principal in Massachusetts who penned a bodice-ripper may be fired for pushing the book on teachers.
District auditors said one elementary-school principal had advised the teachers to inflate their attendance reports and alter the scores on achievement tests.
In one room, groups of aspiring elementary-school principals sat at tables with laptop computers, working on presentations about professional development for their teachers and staff.
He added that a sexual harassment charge that was filed against the superintendent in July by an elementary-school principal did not factor into the vote.
Principal Manderville (Kristina Hayes): A local elementary-school principal who usually makes an announcement to the students before the Reno deputies begin their "safety assembly."
Over the objections of hundreds of angry parents, teachers and pupils, a South Bronx school board voted last night to replace a popular elementary-school principal.