Her face lights up as we watch Hwange's prolific elephant families converge on a waterhole.
I have been with elephant families many times when this has happened.
Monkeys clattered round the treetops and an elephant family came to see what we were up to but moved on.
Murphy is also known for picture books, especially the "Large Family" series, which detail the domestic chaos of an elephant family.
And it has been estimated that in Tanzania one elephant family in three are orphans.
That would be far more controversial than selling ivory, because it involves killing entire elephant families.
We're shadowing Lek as she makes her afternoon rounds with the main elephant families.
Pre-school animation about an elephant family based on Jill Murphy's picture books.
More than once I startled elephant families browsing in the clearings.
During the dry season, elephant families may cluster together and form another level of social organisation known as the clan.