They admired that table, with its four posts like elephant trunks.
Squinches support the dome with braces designed as elephant trunks.
The most famous example of an elephant trunk is the Pillars of Creation.
The Rosette Nebula is an example of an unusual shape that an elephant trunk can form.
Schnaz - Although never directly spoken too, the elephant trunk is seen many times, and even during the theme song.
Hanging from the ceilings is an array of hoses that look like giant elephant trunks.
As these horns were often drawn with an open ring at the tip, they have sometimes been altered into elephant trunks or trumpets.
The boy, 11 years old and slender, had legs thick like elephant trunks.
At the entrance of the bridge there are 2 elephant trunks which symbolize Pahang.
She has a gift - she can change her right arm into anything at all (for instance, an elephant trunk or a snake).