At length one elephant turned and faced about exactly in front of me.
Fortunately, they doubled short round, instead of continuing a straight course, and the elephants turned into the jungle.
But the elephant immediately turned around, saluted the Lord and disappeared into the forest.
The elephant turned, clumsy with the weakness of its shattered lungs.
Seeing an enemy in front of them, the elephants turned, and our friends were able to get in several more shots.
The elephant turned its head to him, and Minzov jumped back.
The elephant had taken two steps, stopped, and turned around so that Henry was now presented with its left side.
The elephants then again turned right, followed by the Carthaginian light infantry and cavalry, so they were now moving south.
"I feel like a white elephant has turned into a golden goose."
Of these, 99 elephants peer up at the temples but one errant elephant turned the other way.