All these may be observed either at ground level or from a series of elevated decks erected along the trail, some with restrooms nearby.
An elevated deck, with a ticket booking counter, will be attached to the platforms.
With his acute senses, the android easily followed the sound of Picard's distinctive tread as he moved up a side ramp to the elevated deck.
We stood on the elevated deck just outside the door and looked all around.
Playing as she walked, Ruthe strolled down from the elevated deck to the command center.
Large elevated outdoor decks were built with holes for the trunks of mature live trees, whose branches sheltered the cabins and porches.
The elevated deck on the back of the house must be accessible from the platform.
I heard motion in the room, someone moving out the doors onto the elevated deck at the back of the house.
It has limestone floors, six bathrooms, garage parking for three cars and an elevated deck with a swimming pool and a hot tub.
Once free, he set off towards the parking apron of a supermarket built on an elevated deck across the expressway.