Donatus's Ars Major is only a little longer, but on a much more elevated plane.
Or should I make straight for the most elevated plane of human hope?
When the table had been cleared and wine and tea distributed, Cornelius moved the conversation to less elevated planes.
From a slightly more elevated plane of cinematic endeavour comes news to warm the heart of Woody Allen.
Mr. Rosen's interpretations are typically on an elevated plane, and his approach, while supported by a secure technique, prizes substance over dazzle.
"And at a less elevated plane of inquiry, how did you find me?"
If this is impractical, or in private ceremonies, any elevated plane may be used.
The towering musical statement, in which Margaret cries out, "Love if you can and be loved" as her daughter marries, ended the concert on an elevated plane.
Inside, the small, medium and large objects are arrayed on an elevated football-field-sized plane, inclined down the length of a vast hall.
For all their absurdity, these are very serious people pitching their lives on an elevated moral plane.