The elevated portions of the many kilometres give a good challenge to those who are facing it.
As a maglev, the system would be silent, addressing concerns about noise on elevated portions of the track.
The elevated portion is part of the 77,605 square feet of public space around the 55 Water Street building.
Most of the track was laid at ground level, although there were elevated portions above terrain features.
The 13.7 km route will have six station each in underground and elevated portions.
Work on the elevated portions of the No. 2 and 5 lines will begin soon, he said.
The station is divided into an elevated and underground portion, each serving different lines.
February 28, 2009: Station construction of the elevated portion is completed.
If I'm remembering the incident correctly, he was on the elevated portion, wasn't he?
Furthermore, around this same time, the elevated portion of Interstate 395 was completed, creating a physical barrier for access to the river.