Standing below the arch one can see the main Ashram building on an elevated hilly spot at a distance of about 250 meters.
A brighter dwelling-place is here for thee - * It was entire in 1687 - the most elevated spot in Athens.
Initially, the disorder is characterized by elevated spots (papules) on the skin.
The embassy, on an elevated spot known as Mount Alto, is thought to be situated well for electronic eavesdropping.
Between 1206 and 1214 the parish church of St. Martin was built at the most elevated spot of the town.
The whole island, composed as it is of various limestone formations, presents great diversity of surface, and views from more elevated spots are magnificent.
Monasteries of all faiths tend, like shrines, to be placed at elevated spots.
It must be stated that on that day and in the exhilarating atmosphere of that elevated spot I had been feeling utterly crushed.
They positioned their settlements along the rivers on elevated spots with good visibility around them.
Ultimately, within this pigmented circle a number of elevated spots appear about the size of a large shot.