He was also an elevator mechanic for the New York City Housing Authority.
One owner of a home in a new development about six blocks from the freeway is Brian Bushnell, 56, an elevator mechanic.
But for Rudy Abraham, 34, an elevator mechanic who took up diving while living in Manhattan, it's simply the view, above and below the water.
He turned to the driver, Mr. Ellis, who by day is an elevator mechanic in Manhattan.
They are not to be confused with elevator mechanics.
Before becoming a firefighter, he had worked as an elevator mechanic and a machine-tool technician.
Engineering advice came from an elevator mechanic and a machinist's son without a college degree.
Mr. Schroeder was earning $30 an hour as an elevator mechanic, working so much overtime that one year his salary hit six figures, he said.
An elevator mechanic is someone who constructs, modernizes, repairs, or services conveyances.
In this profession, labor unions have a large impact on who works as an elevator mechanic, depending on the country they work in.