And who's looking at how many eligible recipients are being scared off by the new procedures on eligibility?
The money would be made available in the form of grants of up to $25,000 for eligible recipients.
Silver Snoopy awards are limited to no more than 1% of eligible recipients.
Through the years other trophies were donated and awarded to eligible recipients.
For example, donor-advised funds and supporting organizations are not eligible recipients.
The eligible recipients will be placed according to their needs in job training, job search or directly into community service work.
Suppose that eligible recipients have lower incomes: then it is arguable that with the transfer they would not be at the corner solution.
In this case, for eligible recipients there is no disadvantage in in-kind transfer.
The working poor are the group of eligible recipients who are most likely to stigmatize the receipt of welfare.
At some point in the 21st century, current Social Security taxes and the reserve will be insufficient to pay eligible recipients.