She suggests eliminating foods packed with sugar, as well as alcohol and caffeine, which may also trigger hot flashes.
They said one possibility is that babies cannot eliminate alcohol from their bodies, so that it builds up and interferes with brain development.
Also, eliminate alcohol, caffeine, flavor enhancers, most salt, and cigarettes.
Cut back or eliminate alcohol and tobacco, which also contain substances that increase heart rate and can cause irregular rhythms.
You may also want to go to bed earlier to try to get more sleep at night, and eliminate alcohol and caffeine.
When you are trying to become pregnant, eliminate alcohol or limit your intake to no more than one drink per day.
Following a heartburn diet - one that typically eliminates alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods - is usually the first line of defense.
Improving sleep or eliminating alcohol use in these cases may relieve symptoms.
Eliminate caffeine, sugar, and alcohol to curtail future cravings.
Eliminate alcohol and caffeine late in the day.