In addition to standard treatment, your doctor may try to eliminate or reduce staph bacteria throughout the body.
Eliminating bacteria is as challenging as finding a cure for the common cold.
Gloves do not eliminate bacteria already on the hands, and they can tear.
This is a process that protects against spoilage by eliminating bacteria, yeasts and molds.
Thorough preparation of food, including proper cooking, eliminates most bacteria and viruses.
This eliminates bacteria before it has a chance to transfer to your urethra and work its way inside and up the tract.
Then, the wine is fermented for a second time to eliminate remaining bacteria and reduce its vinegar-like acidity.
Food irradiation research to eliminate pathogenic bacteria has been in progress by Federal agencies since the 1950's.
That process, known as depuration, eliminates harmful bacteria, though not viruses.
Sometimes, that process requires experimentation with different antibiotics to see if they eliminate bacteria.