They said the Iraqis had clarified their position overnight in two letters that eliminated all unacceptable conditions.
The city will receive $25,150 through the Restore Program, created to pay for emergency repairs and eliminate unsafe conditions.
Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.
Rather, it eliminated terms and conditions that appeared to some owners to make the offer less than solid.
What precautions does the city mandate to eliminate unsanitary conditions for food handlers?
"With this Administration's encouragement, businesses will continue to pocket the funds they should be spending to eliminate dangerous conditions in the workplace."
But your doctor may suggest some tests to eliminate other conditions as the cause of your symptoms.
To eliminate "present conditions," it added, "there no longer remain days, still less weeks, but perhaps only hours."
But the only way to eliminate dangerous conditions and child labor, he emphasized, is to generate economic growth.
The suit resulted in a recent court ruling ordering the city to eliminate hazardous conditions in the schools.