While the agency concluded, after eliminating duplicates, that there were complaints about 103 deaths, it simply estimated the number of injuries as "more than 400 reported injuries."
The combining of demographic and biometric de-duplication has further helped in eliminating trivial duplicates and increasing accuracy.
By eliminating duplicates and duds (but not disasters) they achieved a manageable collection of about 500 items, cataloged, cross-referenced and with the relevant ticket stubs tucked into the stapled bindings.
Each day, city officials have tried to reconcile the many sources of information, filling in missing names and eliminating duplicates, a process that is likely to continue for weeks, and perhaps months.
Nonetheless, repeated testing of the same persons results in multiple reports and necessitates labor-intensive follow-up to eliminate duplicates.
The Yad Vashem search engine takes account of such discrepancies and also tries to eliminate duplicates.
Microsoft Outlook Add-ins - More than 20 various add-ins extend Microsoft Outlook functionality and increase productivity: eliminate duplicates, manage attachments, add other useful features.
Google News, in 'eliminating duplicates' generally is eliminating AP duplicates.
In studying the 4,800 photographs, officials said they eliminated duplicates, leaving about 1,800 images.
A scheduler is used to maintain these bursts and eliminate duplicates.