The company asserts that target shooters constitute the main market for its "Sporter" version of the AR-15, modified to eliminate superficial military features.
In those cases, at least an effort was made to eliminate known modern features and to restore the affected landscapes.
That "modernization" seems to have slaked the zeal for Victorian-era updates which eliminated such features in many other churches in the area.
In the glorious tradition of Microsoft Bob, MSN tries to make things "easier" for users by eliminating or hiding features.
People who make the things, however, still decline to eliminate their many unpleasant defects and nasty features.
The new ceremony retains some of the religious elements of earlier rites, while eliminating other features now considered to be "undemocratic".
The Limited has a fixed B screen, and eliminated several less used features of the regular F3, configured similarly to the F3P.
Stripping of overburden eliminates and destroys archeological and historic features, unless they are removed beforehand.
Following a trend of the 90's, their creators have taken abstraction to extremes, eliminating facial features and, in some cases, substituting a forbidding spike for a head.
I am pleased that during work on the scheme it was possible to eliminate several features which were a cause for concern.