They also assess personalities to try to eliminate friction in a band.
Zale wanted to halt their production because of a revolutionary oil Egan had formulated that virtually eliminates friction.
Using diaphragms eliminates friction and need for lubricants.
Compressed air forced through this spherical bearing keeps the telescope from coming into contact with its support, thereby virtually eliminating friction.
When the technology was introduced, it was aimed at correcting the problems with dry gas film environments by eliminating friction.
To eliminate friction found in conventional bearings, the rotor assembly is centered by the electric field from six electrodes.
In theory, powerful magnets would be used to suspend a train above the track, eliminating friction and allowing greater speed.
The motors are attached directly to the robot arm (direct drive), eliminating backlash, friction and elasticity.
It completely eliminated friction from any mechanical device it was hooked to.
This is done in a vacuum to eliminate air friction and friction from an axle.