The welcoming committee was prepared to eliminate items from the packages of senators and representatives that might violate the gift law, Mr. Daley said.
The item number for the assessment was reduced from 100 to 97 by eliminating items with correlation coefficients less than .30.
Dillard's eliminated non-apparel items in early 2004 and consolidated into the north store, which it eventually closed at the end of March 2005.
All the gulf states are socially conservative, banning drinking and censoring media to eliminate both prurient and awkward political items.
They eliminated items that were not genuine or were of poor quality and revised inaccurate descriptions.
Waste is collected for composting and as much waste is recycled by eliminating items that cannot be recycled from the site altogether.
If they didn't all fit, the program would have to be modified to eliminate unneeded items, change the size of items to some other size, etc.
Mr. Bush said the government could save $4.3 billion next year by eliminating such earmarked items.
A linear operation does not eliminate low-similarity items harshly enough.
"They seemed like they were very ready to cooperate," Ms. Parker said, although the meeting did not resolve issues like eliminating sugar-heavy items.