Eliminating laws against sodomy?
Eliminating repressive racial laws is only part of the job.
Bush's team "launched an all-out effort to roll back, weaken and - wherever possible - completely eliminate existing laws and regulations."
The governors also adopted statements urging Congress to eliminate laws requiring state and local governments to deal with multiple Federal agencies on a single project or case.
It seems like they can buy government policy, lawyers and most of the media, whilst also eliminating laws that protect people and planet.
In addition, the State Legislature must must pass a bill eliminating laws that govern principal tenure.
His strips about a Palm Beach ordinance requiring servants to carry ID cards led to a Florida statute eliminating such crypto-racist laws.
He would seek to eliminate laws that he says make it difficult to renegotiate labor contracts and virtually impossible to fire tenured educators.
"They are large corporate ventures that attempt to influence state legislatures to eliminate environmental, corporate farming and zoning laws."
The feminist movement has tried to eliminate laws against statutory rape for two reasons.