According to the 2011 WHO World Malaria Report, 28 countries are certified as having eliminated malaria.
The program was successful in eliminating malaria only in areas with "high socio-economic status, well-organized healthcare systems, and relatively less intensive or seasonal malaria transmission".
DDT is a victim of its success, having so thoroughly eliminated malaria in wealthy nations that we forget why we once needed it.
Draining and reclamation of areas around the lake commenced in 1940, in order to free land for growing cotton and to eliminate malaria.
Preparations of the cortex of the tree are consumed to eliminate intestinal parasites, malaria and uterine cancer.
A comprehensive Chinese-assisted treatment campaign has apparently eliminated malaria from the Comorian island of Moheli (population 36,000).
He drained the marshes to eliminate malaria, built a medical clinic and community center, a sawmill and rice plantation.
Malaria No More is a global effort to eliminate malaria.
We have nothing else to replace DDT to eliminate malaria and the mosquito involved.
Although the team at Intellectual Ventures is confident in the effectiveness of the laser, they do not expect it to eliminate malaria altogether.