Would have eliminated discretionary parole by ending the practice of sentencing felons to a range of time in prison, replacing such sentences with specific terms.
In addition, 10 years ago Idaho became one of the few states to eliminate parole for good behavior.
A Federal law passed last year was aimed at eliminating parole for first-time violent criminals, and withholds aid from states that do not comply.
This is achieved by eliminating or restricting parole and/or remissions.
He pushed through one of the country's toughest welfare-to-work programs, and he led an effort to eliminate parole for violent offenders.
He contended that eliminating discretionary parole would eliminate an incentive for inmates to behave well and take part in rehabilitation.
Plenty of other people have suggested eliminating parole, but this latest attack stung local parole officials.
He has mentioned eliminating parole for some violent felons and often speaks about stiffer sentences and capital punishment.
It also killed his effort to eliminate parole for violent felons.
He also wants to eliminate parole for first-time violent offenders and reduce funding for some cost-effective alternatives to prison.