We can save $28 billion over 10 years just by eliminating direct payments to commodity producers who feed Americans empty calories, simple sugars and saturated fat.
All three networks are trying to cut back or eliminate payments to their affiliates.
(Coke says it has eliminated upfront payments and advance fees.)
But the department faces a tough fight in Congress this spring, with an especially stiff challenge to the provision eliminating payments to wealthy producers.
States also have the authority to eliminate payments to recipients altogether.
Another possibility is eliminating lump-sum payments from plans that offer workers the option of taking their retirement benefits all at once.
The Government says it could save $396 million over five years by eliminating such payments.
Disincentives, such as eliminating payments for negative consequences of care (medical errors) or increased costs, have also been proposed.
The original House bill would have eliminated such payments to teaching hospitals for graduates of foreign medical schools after October 1998.
In addition, the move saved money by eliminating rental payments and created tax savings.