Anarcho-capitalists believe such privatization and decentralization of defense would eliminate the credibility of, and popular support for, the state.
Simply eliminating support for farmers won't solve these problems; overproduction has afflicted agriculture since long before modern subsidies.
In fact, this Administration has been contributing to global problems, by eliminating support for United Nations family planning, for instance.
Critics, such as Morris and Taitsman, would prefer that the medical profession eliminate commercial support for CME.
On top of this, she pointed out, in response to several controversial grants, Congress eliminated Federal support for most individual artists, except writers.
Microsoft has also eliminated support for Netscape-style plug-ins like QuickTime, which lets you watch certain movies on Web pages.
In early 1983, to eliminate rural support for Museveni's guerrillas, the area of Luwero District was targeted for a massive population removal affecting almost 750,000 people.
SoundDiver, which had been quietly bundled with previous versions, was dropped, eliminating support for arguably the world's most popular synthesizer editor/librarian.
The purpose, as I underlined, is not that of eliminating support for small breweries, but simply to devise a manner in which that could continue without any discriminatory element.
Most notable was an ill-considered plan to eliminate support for some London orchestras.