Its use can minimize bacterial growth, control parasites, eliminate transmission of some diseases, and reduce or eliminate "yellowing" of the water.
The main objective of this initiative is to eliminate congenital syphilis and mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2015.
However, it is not known how many years of mass drug administration is required to eliminate transmission.
So he called for putting $500 million in the pending $27 billion supplemental appropriations bills to focus on eliminating mother-to-child transmission of the AIDS virus in Africa.
Firstly, Cuba banned the importation of all human blood products and destroyed potentially infected supplies, effectively eliminating transmission of HIV through blood transfusions.
In that case, suppression of the insect that spreads the worm has eliminated transmission over large areas.
Malaria and yellow fever once were common in this country until mosquito control, treatment and epidemiologic measures eliminated domestic transmission.
A main concern of mass treatment programs is whether or not the decreases in transmission will be sustainable over time and will eliminate completely transmission of microfilaria to mosquitoes.
Dr. Scott O'Neill of the University of Queensland in Australia is attempting to modify mosquito population age structure in order to eliminate dengue transmission.
Eliminating mechanical transmission including gearboxes, differentials, drive shafts and axles provide a significant weight and manufacturing cost saving, while also decreasing the environmental impact of the product.