First the system eliminates uncertainty, greasing the wheels of commerce within Europe.
Text can be described technically as information, in that information is that which eliminates uncertainty.
Over the past years, this provision has promoted investment as it eliminates the financial risk and uncertainty associated with the "floating rate" system.
Eliminate uncertainty - be honest and upfront from the beginning of the change process.
However, by the end of 2003, Gardner had withdrew as a candidate, citing the desire to eliminate uncertainty in the caucus.
This eliminates uncertainty about what calculation was actually performed.
Instead, the voters have presented the best possible result - one which eliminates uncertainty.
This would eliminate the time, anxiety and uncertainty associated with application to either the best public or independent schools in the City.
Let's enact this bipartisan compromise to eliminate uncertainty for American families and then get right to work on a one-year version.
This will eliminate legal uncertainty and resolve many shortcomings and difficulties.